All you need to know about vitamin supplements
Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients found in most food we consume on a daily basis and in our bodies. Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, with many of them acting as facilitators for crucial chemical and biological processes that take place in our body.
Vitamins are an important part of maintaining good health and making our bones, muscles and organs grow and stay in good shape. The main sources of vitamins can be found in food, with most vegetables and fruits extremely rich in vitamins and many other foods such as fish or meat also containing certain amounts of important vitamins. However, dietary supplements are also becoming a common source of vitamins for people in the modern age, as hectic lifestyle often means that people are not eating a healthy enough diet.
Dietary supplements with large doses of vitamins and minerals are healthy and a great addition to regular diet, but most experts concur that they cannot completely substitute a good diet. Some supplements that offer enormous doses of certain vitamins have even been found to be harmful as too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing in a blink of an eye. So, how much vitamin supplements should I be taking and which ones? Keep reading and find out.
Should I be taking a multivitamin?
The market today is saturated with hundreds if not thousands of vitamin supplement products, each promising improved health, extended life expectancy and a whole bunch of other things that sound amazing at first. However, time has shown that many vitamin supplements actually don’t do much or that the amounts of various vitamins in them are inadequate and not properly dosed.
That said, there are plenty of products out there that actually do offer significant health benefits, but one should be careful about what to expect. Vitamins serve to help the body facilitate various chemical processes, so their benefits are mostly long term and are best felt when taking proper amounts of vitamins over extended periods of time.
Some vitamins, such as vitamin C, are crucial in keeping away common illnesses like common cold and flu, while others like vitamin D or vitamin D3 keep the body well fueled and strong. Each of them is crucial and can usually be found together in various supplements. Since getting a proper dosage of all the vitamins and minerals through regular diet can be very difficult, taking a multivitamin supplement is recommended for most people, but special emphasis should be put on picking the right supplements to use.
Which supplements should I choose?
While there are many products on the market that promise to fuel our body with proper doses of vitamins, many of them have been proven to be a complete hoax and produced by companies whose only goal is to sell a lot of products which can be produced cheaply.
Products produced by Vit2Go!, on the other hand, have been dosed with proper doses of crucial vitamins and minerals that offer specific benefits for our bodies, useful in specific life situations. Hangover Aid offers relief against hangovers, Immune System Booster contains vitamins crucial in keeping the body’s immune system up and ticking while Natural Energy Booster is a supplement that can be taken on a daily basis to wake up the body and maintain mental and physical strength.
Immune System Booster is a product designed to maintain strong immunity and keep illnesses away. With large doses of vitamin C, zinc, calcium, iron and vitamins A and K1, the product provides the same benefits that eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit would, keeping the body strong and able to repel pesky viruses.
Natural Energy Booster is a Guarana based product which also contains important vitamins such as vitamins A, B and C, along with Caffeine and other ingredients essential to maintaining mental focus and physical strength throughout the day. Taking Natural Energy Booster on a regular basis will see you more prepared for the daily challenges and more resilient in many ways.
Hangover Aid is the final product on this list of recommended vitamin supplements and is one that needs little explanation. If you have ever overdone it with alcohol, be sure to check out Hangover Aid by Vit2Go! and you will notice the amazing effects this product has on the hangover symptoms almost instantly. The mix of vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients found in this product beats every other anti-hangover product currently on the market.
The complete mix of vitamins and minerals offered by Vit2Go! products offers all users the ultimate refreshment and the health benefits that can only be paralleled by a diet based exclusively on healthy food, which is why most people can benefit greatly from them regardless of the age, sex or any other factors at play. Whether you are looking to shake off a bad hangover or improve your immunity and make your body stronger, Vit2Go! supplements are the way to go.