The importance of sleep for your health
There are many different elements that influence our overall health, with diet, physical activity and sleep all falling into the category. Sleep is probably one of the most underestimated health factors among people today with many of us often staying up late in the night and waking up early to go to work, rarely getting enough sleep in a day.
If you have been wondering just how important is sleep and how much sleep do I need, we have decided to answer these questions and many others regarding the importance of sleep to a person’s health as well as what kind of benefits you can get from enough sleep and what side-effects you can expect if you are not getting it.
Keep reading and find out just how important is sleep, how many hours of it you should be getting and what the main health issues are that can be caused by lack of sleep and irregular sleeping patterns.
How much sleep do I need?
According to most research out there, adult people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, which can depend on different factors such as metabolism, weight and other health related factors. While most people know this, the fact is that most are also not really doing their best to implement this sleeping pattern and get a full night’s sleep.
Think about this. If you were really going to get your 8 hours of sleep and you need to get up at 07:00 am, you would need to be in bed by 11:00 pm. The sad truth is that most people in the modern world, especially in the cities are not doing this, as modern inventions like TV and the internet have really given us plenty to do while at home. Since work days are so long, it is only normal that we want some leisure time as well, but when it comes at the expense of sleeping hours, things start to get pretty bad.
Some of us try to make up for the lost hours by taking a nap after work or trying to get more hours on the weekends, but this is really not how it works. In order to get fully rested and ready for the new day, you need to have 8 hours of uninterrupted and healthy sleep during the night. If you think sleep isn’t really all that important or that “sleep is for the weak”, keep reading and find out what issues not sleeping enough can cause.
Sleep deprivation and its consequences
Not getting enough sleep during the night and waking up sleep deprived day after day can lead to many health issues. For starters, as you may have noticed if you fall into the category, your productivity tends to be a lot lower when you don’t get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes lack in concentration, physical and mental alertness and tends to make you cranky, which can cause a whole number of social problems as well as cause you to make unnecessary mistakes in your work and your daily routine.
Apart from being tired and cranky, you are also likely to get fat if you don’t sleep enough. People who get enough sleep tend to need fewer calories and not eat during night time. Other factors come into play that relate sleep deprivation and obesity, including the motivation to work out and hormone levels which can get unbalanced if you are not sleeping regularly.
Multiple studies have also shown that people who are not getting enough sleep are at higher risk of many dangerous diseases such as heart diseases, depression and type two diabetes, all of which are serious medical conditions. In fact, these studies have shown that people who are not sleeping enough are at a significantly higher risk of each of these and many other illnesses.
What can I do if I am not getting enough sleep?
Unfortunately, our busy lives and fast routines tend to leave many of us exposed to sleep deprivation. If this does happen to be the case for you, you should make sure that you at least take care of yourself through proper nutrition and supplementation.
Vit2Go! has created two products that do this very well in Natural Energy Booster and Immune System Booster. Both products are infused with valuable micronutrients including vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are crucial to hundreds of chemical processes in our body and which make up our bones, muscles and organs.
Natural Energy Booster is a product that will help your sleep deprived body get back into shape and make the processes that have gone dormant wake up again and keep your body more alert and ready for the day’s challenges. Taking this product instead of your favourite energy drink will actually wake you up, make you less irritable and help you get on with your day.
Immune System Booster, on the other hand, is a product that will help you maintain your health through boosting your immune system and keeping the bacterial infections and various inflammations that you can get susceptible to at bay.
If you are not getting enough sleep every night, we highly suggest introducing our products Immune System Booster and Natural Energy Booster into your daily routine, along with plenty of healthy food and fluids that will keep your body moving even when you don’t get fuelled up on energy the proper way during night time.